Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dumbassing things up

In a previous entry, Some management servlets, in the section You do know that anyone in the world can delete your datastore, right?, I goofed.

In my defense, the first section of that entry WAS entitled I have no idea what I'm talking about. But it turns out my ignorance knows few bounds.

web.xml, access control, and Guice

I stated that in moving my BuildDB servlet under the control of Guice, I lost the ability to use a security-constraint in the web.xml file to stop the hoi polloi from accessing our servlet. Not so.

Simply have Guice respond to a URL pattern (such as "/*") that includes the security-constraint constrained URL below it, say /admin/*. All of your servlets now are Guicified, and the ones you want protected are protected.

Yeah, shoulda figured that out the first time.

 <!-- Servlets -->




 <!-- Default page to serve -->

The observant among you will notice that our package is now com.lisedex.voluntickler instead of com.lisedex.volinfoman. It's a sexy name change, I know, and I realize that you're a bit jealous, but the domains are already registered. Sorry.

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