And I'm still in the bronze league. You may now commence laughing.
But a couple of days ago, I picked this stuff back up. Leaving it for so long is a mistake, as it always takes me a while to remember what's what, where I was, and where I was going. I messed around with the interface, trying to get a very basic layout with a working login page.
I learned a few important lessons, like wrapping widgets with SimplePanels so they could be swapped out easily with just a setWidget() as the interface required, and my previous understanding, as explained in my last entry, of bind() from mvp4g was off. But I learned a much more important lesson.
I have no idea what I'm talking about
OK, that's maybe a bit harsh, but really, I think I was coming at this with a fundamental misconception about how it'll work. I was trying to build an application where you could login, or register for the site, or request a reset password, or actually use the site for its intended purpose basically without leaving the layout and original landing page. Lunacy. Trying to fit the project to the tool, while not understanding the tool all that well, either.
At first, I realized things should work more like Gmail, where your initial login and registration could be handled on some regular pages, and then you move in to the application itself. Flipping this switch in my brain alone allowed me to start making much faster progress (obviously helped along because I had moved back to a more familiar paradigm). Taking that lesson more generally, I shouldn't force this thing into a single page where widgets are swapped in and out. If it makes more sense, I should be willing to just move to another page, or sprinkle parts of GWT throughout pages, unless there's too much of a startup penalty.
In short, I don't need to write this as if it were some monolithic desktop application.
On that note, I'm going to focus in this post on the account registration, email confirmation, App Engine cron jobs. At this time, these all use GAE, but not GWT. You'll just have to ignore the GWT client code for now, as it's in a screwy state that compiles and renders a page, but doesn't do anything remotely useful.
As always, the code is available at github under the add-static-login tag.
Moving the starting line
The first step was moving the home page, and having it basically static with a login form and a link to the registration page.
<!-- Default page to serve --> <welcome-file-list> <welcome-file>index.html</welcome-file> </welcome-file-list>
I can keep the original Volinfoman.html for later, and this automatically solves one of the issues I had been thinking about, but had put off for later: auto-complete not working in GWT login pages, and using HTTPS to submit the user's password.
The link to the registration page leads to another simple, static form, register.html. This submits to a servlet which is written using App Engine, Register.
The making of a servlet
We need to register this servlet with Guice so that injection works.
In our Guice module, we configure Register as a Singleton, and in Guice's servlet configuration, we let it know that the URL /volinfoman/register should be sent to Register for handling. This is, of course, the action we use for the form in register.html.
public class Register extends HttpServlet { @Inject private Dao dao; private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Register.class.getName()); @Override public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { PrintWriter output = resp.getWriter(); // build HTML response page resp.setContentType("text/html"); resp.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8"); output.println("<head><title>Add initial datastore information</title></head>"); output.println("<body>"); String username = req.getParameter("username"); String firstName = req.getParameter("firstName"); String lastName = req.getParameter("lastName"); String password = req.getParameter("password"); String email = req.getParameter("email"); if (!StringSafety.isSafe(username)) { output.println("<span style=\"color: #ff0000;\">Username bad, please go back and enter it again</span>"); output.println("</body>"); return; } if (!StringSafety.isSafe(firstName)) { output.println("<span style=\"color: #ff0000;\">First name bad, please go back and enter it again</span>"); output.println("</body>"); return; } // ... etc, etc. for input safety ... if (dao.getUser(username) != null) { output.println("<span style=\"color: #ff0000;\">Username already exists, please go back and enter it again</span>"); output.println("</body>"); return; }
This first pass at the servlet is pretty ugly, with plenty of string literals, but what we're doing is laying the groundwork for the registration by collecting the user's input.
We extend javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet and override its doGet() method, since at this point we have not declared a method for our HTML form to use and it defaults to GET. Later, we'll change this to doPost() since the user is entering their password in the form, and we don't really need that showing up in the address bar of their browser. Or our server logs.
We start setting up the page that gets sent back to the user when the servlet completes, by filling out the HttpServletResponse object passed in as resp. After setting what type of page we'll be returning, we print to the object line-by-line in the order we would want to build a standard HTML page.
We need to get the user's input, so we use the getParameter method of HttpServletRequest, which parses the form data for us, and hides the logic needed to handle both GET and POST forms. After we get the input, we want to protect ourselves from things like injection attacks, so we have to check each piece of input that comes from outside of the servlet. The static StringSafety.isSafe() method right now is terribly simple, just looking for ; and & characters. Later, we'd want to do better verification, like making sure the username and password meet whatever requirements we have and that the email address looks basically valid.
If any of the input doesn't meet our standards, we spit out an error message and abort the servlet. I check each separately, so I can inform the user of which field doesn't meet our standards. Ideally, instead of forcing the user to go back, we'd re-render the form, with the error message integrated into it, but right now we're doing it the simple way. I removed some of the repetitious statements for brevity; see the code for the full version.
Finally, we make sure that the username requested doesn't already exist. This seems like an expensive way to look this up, and is also open to another account with the same username getting created between that test and the next lines of code.
User user = new User(null, username, User.STATUS_UNCONFIRMED, firstName, lastName, email, password); dao.putUser(user);
We put the user in the datastore, with a status of User.STATUS_UNCONFIRMED. This status indicates that the account has been created, but the user has not yet clicked the link included in the email we're about to send them. This code has a bug, in that the password is not passed through BCrypt before storage. We'll fix this as we come back and fix this class up.
Properties props = new Properties(); Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null); String msgBody = "Thank you for registering a VolunteerIM " + "account! Please follow the link below to confirm " + "your account:\n\n"; Random r = new Random(); msgBody += "http://lisedexvolinfomantest/volinfoman/emailConfirm?code=" + Long.toString(Math.abs(r.nextLong()), 36) + "\n\n"; msgBody += "Note: Please do not reply to this address, as " + "email is thrown away. If you did not set up a " + "VolunteerIM account, please ignore this email, as the " + "account will be removed automatically in a week.\n"; try { Message msg = new MimeMessage(session); msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress("", "VolunteerIM Confirmation")); msg.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, new InternetAddress(email, firstName + " " + lastName)); msg.setSubject("VolunteerIM account confirmation"); msg.setText(msgBody); Transport.send(msg); } catch (AddressException e) { output.println("Bad email address. Please try again. " + e.toString() + "</body>");"AddressException sending confirmation email: " + e.toString()); return; } catch (MessagingException e) { output.println("Error sending confirmation email. Please try again. " + e.toString() + "</body>");"MessagingException sending confirmation email: " + e.toString()); return; } output.println("We have sent a confirmation email to " + email + ". It should arrive shortly. As soon as you receive " + "it, please <a href=\"/\">return to the front " + "page to log in.</a>"); } }
Google's App Engine has an API for sending emails which uses the JavaMail API, but we just use a tiny subset.
We need a reference to a mail Session, which we use to build a MIME compatible email. First, we build a quick message body, which contains a link with a random string that we'll use as a confirmation code.
When we set the address that the message will come from, it has to be set as an email address that is listed in the App Engine dashboard as a collaborator on the project. I found this the hard way, after a MessagingException kept getting thrown during testing. The code worked fine on the local development server, but when deployed it choked.
Then we specify the recipient and subject, and attach the message body we already generated.
We can still get an exception when sending the email, if we use a To address App Engine doesn't like, or, as I found out, a From address that's not registered. If one of these pop up, we generate an error for the user, and exit the servlet. At this stage of the code, this will leave an UNCONFIRMED account in the datastore, with no confirmation email sent. Whooops.
If everything's gone according to plan, we let the user know that they should keep an eye out for the confirmation email.
Of course, right now, if the user were to click on the link in the email, we'd have to return a 404, since there's no servlet registered at /volinfoman/emailConfirm.
OK, do you at least have an email account you can read?
Before that, let's change the registration form to use the POST method. The GET method puts all of the user's input into the URL, which include the user's password in plaintext. So not only does it show in their address bar, it will live on forever in the server logs. Fortunately, HttpServlet makes this easy: just add method="post" to the form declaration in register.html, and change the doGet() method in Register to doPost(). The class library handles the details.
Now, we want to make sure that the email address the user entered is linked to an account they can read, like every other website in existence with individual accounts. We're sending a link with a code embedded to the user after they register, so we'll need a servlet to manage confirming the accounts. We could put the confirmation code for each user into the User class, and have the datastore index it so we could run a query, but we also want to expire accounts that haven't been confirmed after some length of time. So then we'd need to add an indexed expiration date field to the User class, and it starts to look cleaner to create a datastore table just for this purpose.
public class ConfirmationCode implements Serializable { @Id private Long id; @Indexed private String username; @Indexed private String code; @Indexed private long expires; public ConfirmationCode() { } /** * Constructor * @param id Datastore primary key * @param username username associated with code * @param code confirmation code associated with username * @param expires expiration date for code in milliseconds */ public ConfirmationCode(Long id, String username, String code, long expires) { setId(id); setUsername(username); setCode(code); setExpires(expires); } public Long getId() { return id; } public void setId(Long id) { = id; } public String getUsername() { return username; } // ... etc, etc ... it's getters and setters all the way down }
It's a pretty bare bones data structure, though we should probably add some input verification later to the setters. We also index all of the elements of the table. At different times we'll need to search by the code, and we'll also need to query for expiration times that are older than a certain time. Currently, the username does not need to be indexed, but we'll leave it for now.
In the earlier blog entry about Guice, I talked some about a BuildDB class which could delete all Users in the datastore, and just leave one admin account. Well, we also want the option of wiping out our confirmation code table while developing, which requires a new method in our DAO. We declare it in the Dao interface, and implement it in DaoGaeDatastore.
@Override public void deleteUser(Long id) { ofy().delete(User.class, id.toString()); } @Override public void putConfirmationCode(ConfirmationCode code) { ofy().put(code); } @Override public void deleteAllConfirmationCodes() { ofy().delete(ofy().query(ConfirmationCode.class).fetchKeys()); }
While we're in there, we added a couple of other methods that we'll use to work with the confirmation codes right now. We'll need a way to delete the users that we put into the datastore, if we get an exception during sending them their confirmation email. When the exception is caught, we want to throw away the new User object we put in the datastore, so the user can reuse it when they resubmit their registration. When calling this, we'll already have the User object, which includes the Id field, so we won't need to run a query; we can just straight up delete using an Objectify convenience method that builds a datastore Key from the provided class and its Id.
We'll also need to store new ConfirmationCode objects, and the deleteAllConfirmationCodes() method is pretty much ripped from the deleteAllUsers() method verbatim (just changing the class).
We also need to register the ConfirmationCode class with Objectify, so it knows how to handle it. We do this in the same place we register User: a static constructor in our DAO implementation.
Now, in our BuildDB servlet, we can simply call dao.deleteAllConfirmationCodes when we want, and clean out the table. "Dangerous Database Deletions" are my middle names.
Now, in our Register servlet, we want to add the confirmation code to the datastore.
public static final int EXPIRATION_FIELD = Calendar.DATE; public static final int EXPIRATION_INCREMENT = 7;
We'll use the Java Calendar class to calculate our expiration date. This gives us flexibility to easily change the delay without having to recalculate how many milliseconds it is. The EXPIRATION_FIELD says which field we'll be incrementing, where DATE is days, but we could also use MONTH or HOUR or even YEAR. Calendar will handle the rollover and carrying the ones and the leap years and leap seconds and all of that. The EXPIRATION_INCREMENT, surprisingly enough, is how much that field will be incremented by.
Random r = new Random(); String code = Long.toString(Math.abs(r.nextLong()), 36); Calendar expirationTime = Calendar.getInstance(); expirationTime.add(EXPIRATION_FIELD, EXPIRATION_INCREMENT); ConfirmationCode confCode = new ConfirmationCode(null, username, code, expirationTime.getTimeInMillis()); dao.putConfirmationCode(confCode);
We generate the confirmation code before the message body so we can insert it into the ConfirmationCode table in the datastore. Calendar.getInstance() gets a Calendar object representing the current time, and we add however much time we'd like to make our expiration time in milliseconds.
In both of the exception handlers for email transmission errors, we add a line to delete the users we just added to the datastore.
You do know that anyone in the world can delete your datastore, right?
In the Guice blog entry, we moved BuildDB under control of Guice so we could inject our DAO implementation. In doing so, we lost the ability to use the App Engine user authentication to control access to the servlet. As we get further along, this becomes unacceptable, but I'm still not ready to build my own authentication mechanism into the servlet. We'll also need the authentication for protecting our cron jobs, so fixing this is not a waste.
In BuildDB, we no longer inject the Dao, we directly instantiate a DaoGaeDatastore. In the VolinfomanGuiceModule and VolinfomanServletModule, we pull out our definitions for BuildDB (and CacheStats, another servlet that I don't believe works at the moment).
<filter-mapping> <filter-name>guiceFilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/volinfoman/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> <security-constraint> <web-resource-collection> <url-pattern>/admin/*</url-pattern> </web-resource-collection> <auth-constraint> <role-name>admin</role-name> </auth-constraint> </security-constraint> <servlet> <servlet-name>BuildDB</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.lisedex.volinfoman.server.admin.BuildDB</servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>BuildDB</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/admin/builddb</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping>
In web.xml, we will change the Guice url-pattern from /* to /volinfoman/*, to allow us some granularity in defining which servlets get processed through Guice. To get BuildDB out of Guice's control, we'll need to change its URL from /volinfoman/admin/builddb to /admin/builddb.
We also set a security-constraint on the url-pattern /admin/* which requires the user have an administrator role for the application. If the user is not logged in, they will be presented with a login form from Google that allows them to log in with whatever account they've used as a collaborator for the project. If their Google account is not registered as a collaborator on the project, they will get an error and the servlet will not run. This is also used to protect cron jobs, as they will run as if run by an authenticated admin user.
Finally, we set the url-pattern that configures what URLs BuildDB processes. Since /admin/builddb matches the /admin/* security-constraint definition, it's protected by Google's authentication.
Get rid of expired confirmation codes
We want to run a cron job that will find any expired confirmation codes, and remove them. It will also need to look at the User associated with the code, and if it's still in the User.UNCONFIRMED state, the User needs to be deleted as well. The reason we double check this, is that I can imagine a time when someone emails support, and support confirms their account, but forgets to remove the associated confirmation code. If we didn't check the User's status, we could delete a confirmed account.
@Override public void expireCodesBefore(long now) { Query<ConfirmationCode> oldCodes = ofy().query(ConfirmationCode.class). filter("expires <", now); for (ConfirmationCode code: oldCodes) { User user = getUser(code.getUsername()); if (user != null) { // make sure user is still in unconfirmed state if (user.getStatus() == User.STATUS_UNCONFIRMED) { deleteUser(user.getId()); } } deleteConfirmationCode(code); } } @Override public ConfirmationCode getConfirmationCode(String code) { ConfirmationCode fetched = ofy().query(ConfirmationCode.class). filter("code", code).get(); return fetched; } @Override public void deleteConfirmationCode(ConfirmationCode code) { if (code != null) { ofy().delete(code); } }
The expireCodesBefore() method takes a time, in milliseconds, and deletes all confirmation codes with an expiration time that comes before that time. This can be tested with a relational operator: if the expiration time is less than the time provided, it's expired.
The query does just that, and the query itself is Iterable, so we walk through it. For each expired code, we get the username associated with it, and pull in the User by that name. If the user exists, and the user's status is still unconfirmed, we delete the user. The expired confirmation code is deleted regardless of the user's state.
getConfirmationCode() will retrieve a confirmation code by the code field, instead of by Id. To do this, we need to run a query. Since it should only return one hit, we only return the first one found. If there were multiple entries with the same username, we'd only work with the first one.
Lastly, we add a method to delete confirmation codes.
In the Register servlet, we move most of the string literals scatted throughout the code into static Strings at the top of the class. This includes parameter names that are submitted by the registration form, as well as information used to build the email.
User user = new User(null, username, User.STATUS_UNCONFIRMED, firstName, lastName, email, null); dao.changeUserPassword(user, password);
We now build the User with a null password, and insert the User into the datastore using the password change method. This allows us to hash the password before storing it, fixing the bug we introduced in the early version of the code.
public class ExpireConfirmationCodes extends HttpServlet { private Dao dao = new DaoGaeDatastore(); private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ExpireConfirmationCodes.class.getName()); @Override public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();"Expiring expiration codes at " + Long.toString(now.getTimeInMillis())); dao.expireCodesBefore(now.getTimeInMillis()); } }
The ExpireConfirmationCodes cron job is just a stripped down servlet based on BuildDB. Since it accepts no parameters, we simply get the current time, and pass its value in milliseconds to the DAO method we wrote above for this purpose. Note that we're directly instantiating the DaoGaeDatastore again, as we need to bypass Guice since we need to put our cron jobs behind a security-constraint.
<!-- Cron jobs --> <security-constraint> <web-resource-collection> <url-pattern>/cron/*</url-pattern> </web-resource-collection> <auth-constraint> <role-name>admin</role-name> </auth-constraint> </security-constraint> <servlet> <servlet-name>expireConfirmationCodes</servlet-name> <servlet-class>com.lisedex.volinfoman.server.cron.ExpireConfirmationCodes</servlet-class> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>expireConfirmationCodes</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/cron/expireConfirmationCodes</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping>
We add /cron/* URLs to what we hide behind Google's authentication, and define the URL /cron/expireConfirmationCodes as the one which invokes our expiration servlet.
<cronentries> <cron> <url>/cron/expireConfirmationCodes</url> <description>Expire confirmation codes every day</description> <schedule>every day 02:00</schedule> </cron> </cronentries>
The cron job definition specifies what URL gets called at what frequency. If you use a frequency like "every 5 minutes", the job is started 5 minutes after the last job completed. For example, if the job took 1 minute to run, the first job would start at 01:00, the next run at 01:06, the next at 01:12, and so on. If you wanted the jobs to start at 01:00, 01:05, and 01:10, you would need to add the keyword synchronized to the schedule.
Lastly (aka FINALLY), we can process the confirmation link and login form
This has stretched a bit longer than I expected, but it's almost over.
public class ConfirmationCodeChecker extends HttpServlet { private static final String ACCOUNT_NEW = "Sorry, the account you're trying" + " to confirmed has not reached the point where it can be confirmed. " + "Unfortunately, the only way to resolve this is to contact our support" + " department, or <a href=\"/register.html\">apply for a new account</a>." + " We apologize for the inconvenience."; private static final String ACCOUNT_INVALID = ""; // another message private static final String ALREADY_CONFIRMED = ""; // another message private static final String ACCOUNT_CLOSED = ""; // another message private static final String BAD_CONFIRMATION_CODE = ""; private static final String CONFIRMATION_SUCCESS = ""; @Inject private Dao dao; private static final Logger log = Logger .getLogger(ConfirmationCodeChecker.class.getName()); private static final String UNSAFE_ERROR = "<span style=\"color: #ff0000;\">" + "There is a problem with the link used to confirm your user account." + " Please try clicking the link again, and if the problem continues, " + "return to the home page and request that the email is sent again. " + "Or you can contact support. Sorry for the inconvenience!</span>"; @Override public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { // standard stuff output.println("<head><title>VolunteerIM account confirmation</title></head>"); output.println("<body>"); output.println("<h2>VolunteerIM account confirmation</h2><p>"); String username = req.getParameter("username"); String code = req.getParameter("code");"Confirmation request with username " + username + " and code " + code); if (!StringSafety.isSafe(username)) { output.println(UNSAFE_ERROR + "</body>"); return; } if (!StringSafety.isSafe(code)) { output.println(UNSAFE_ERROR + "</body>"); return; } ConfirmationCode testCode = dao.getConfirmationCode(code); if ((testCode == null) || (testCode.getUsername() == null) || (testCode.getCode() == null)) { output.println(BAD_CONFIRMATION_CODE + "</body>"); return; } User fetched = dao.getUser(testCode.getUsername()); if (fetched.getStatus() == User.STATUS_UNCONFIRMED) { fetched.setStatus(User.STATUS_CONFIRMED); dao.putUser(fetched); // eliminate confirmation code from datastore, as we're // done with it dao.deleteConfirmationCode(testCode); output.println(CONFIRMATION_SUCCESS + "</body>");"Confirmed username " + fetched.getUsername()); return; } if (fetched.getStatus() == User.STATUS_CLOSED) { output.println(ACCOUNT_CLOSED + "</body>"); return; } if (fetched.getStatus() == User.STATUS_CONFIRMED) { output.println(ALREADY_CONFIRMED + "</body>"); return; } if (fetched.getStatus() == User.STATUS_INVALID) { output.println(ACCOUNT_INVALID + "</body>"); return; } if (fetched.getStatus() == User.STATUS_NEW) { output.println(ACCOUNT_NEW + "</body>"); return; } } }
This servlet is under Guice's control, so its URL is defined in VolinfomanGuiceModule and VolinfomanServletModule. In this case it's /volinfoman/emailConfirm, as specified in the email sent to the user.
We define a bunch of messages that may get sent to the user, for different states of the User status, or malformed URL parameters. We get both a username and code from the URL, which we check for bad data, and also use to cross check whether the code matches the specified username. If it does, we pull up the User, and based on its status, we return different messages.
If the User was previously unconfirmed, we tell them it's now confirmed, we mark it as such in the datastore, and they can now log in from the home page. If it was closed, we let them know they can register for a new account, or contact support to find out why it was closed. Already confirmed Users get told they can go ahead and log in, and invalid and new users are told to contact support or register new accounts. In the code above, I've stripped the messages since they're pretty long, but they're available in the code in the repository at github.
public class Login extends HttpServlet { @Inject Dao dao; private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Login.class.getName()); @Override public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws IOException { // standard stuff String username = req.getParameter("username"); String password = req.getParameter("password"); if ((username == null) || (password == null)) { output.println("<head><title>VolunteerIM login</title></head>"); output.println("<body>Please fill out both username and " + "password fields.</body>"); return; } if (!StringSafety.isSafe(username)) { output.println("<head><title>VolunteerIM login</title></head>"); output.println("<body>Username invalid, please go back and " + "try again.</body>"); return; } if (!StringSafety.isSafe(password)) { output.println("<head><title>VolunteerIM login</title></head>"); output.println("<body>Password invalid, please go back and try" + " again.</body>"); return; } if (dao.checkUserPassword(username, password)) { if (dao.getUser(username).getStatus() == User.STATUS_CONFIRMED) { HttpSession session = req.getSession(); resp.sendRedirect(resp.encodeRedirectURL("/Volinfoman.html")); session.setAttribute(Session.AUTHENTICATEDUSER, username); return; } else { output.println("<head><title>VolunteerIM login</title></head>"); output.println("<body>INSERT CONFIRMATION MESSAGE HERE</body>"); return; } } else { output.println("<head><title>VolunteerIM login</title></head>"); output.println("<body>Username and password do not match." + " Please try again.</body>"); return; } } }
For the login form, we have a Login servlet. I've stripped out some messages and some of the boilerplate code I've been using in all of these servlets. We check the submitted username and password for safety, and then pass them to our previously (way back in the day) developed password checking code in the DAO. If it's a match, we also check the User's status to make sure it's been confirmed. If it has, we set a cookie with the HTTP session identifier, mark it in App Engine's session table as an authorized user, and redirect them to /Volinfoman.html, which is the entry point to our GWT application. Currently, there is no testing whether the browser visiting /Volinfoman.html is authenticated, so anyone can visit it directly, but this will be rectified in the next bit of code.
I realize this is way too long, and maybe showing the revisions as I was figuring this stuff out is not helpful, but I wanted to give a decent introduction to some of the code that will run the site behind the scenes. I've been focusing almost exclusively on GWT code, and as I described above, I'm realizing something that I should have realized a long time ago (except I was blinded by GWT's novelty). I should have realized that GWT's not everything.
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